Alaska Radiology Tech License Information

With an estimated job growth of over 20% in the five years, there is a strong demand for qualified Radiology Technicians. Licensing improves qualifications, and skilled, qualified techs have the potential to earn more. Visit the State of Alaska website for more details about Radiology Tech in Alaska, or request information from a Radiology Tech School near you or online to get started toward your degree!

State of Alaska Radiologic Health
4500 Boniface Parkway
Anchorage, AK 99507-2107
(907) 334-2107
State of Alaska Radiologic Health

American College of Radiology Tech
1891 Preston White Drive
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 648-8900
American College of Radiology Tech

Alaska Radiology Tech Training - Alaska Radiology Tech Salary - Alaska Radiology Tech License

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